Welcome! My name is Maureen McMahon. I am a teacher, mother, wife, lover of animals, lover of the sea, sunshine and wide-open spaces, but first and foremost a lover of writing.
Like all writers I struggled for many years to be taken seriously. Despite my instinctive need to put words to paper, it's often been lonely and difficult.
I've found that writing as a profession, or even as a hobby, is often looked upon with scorn, so not surprisingly, many talented individuals give it up to pursue more lucrative, but perhaps less fulfilling, occupations.
I understand too well how easily a writer can become tired and discouraged. The idea of wallpapering your house with rejection slips is not appealing no matter who you are.
With that in mind, I would like to dedicate this site to writers everywhere, regardless of experience, interests or ability. I will continue to develop it and hope to eventually have many more pages of interest.
In the meantime, I hope you can find some small source of encouragement here to help keep your creative energies alive and your inspiration sparking.