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Patricia Crossley, author of Journey's End, A Suitable Father and Beloved Stranger says: "Write the book of your heart. In my first attempt at a full length novel, I tried to write what I thought the market wanted. It wasn't me. Then I read the reflection that someone who learns to play the piano doesn't necessarily expect to give a concert at Carnegie Hall. A musician plays primarily for his or her own pleasure. I had these stories rattling around in my head, and I decided to write them for myself. In so doing, I learned an enormous amount about writing and my own voice.
Elizabeth Dearl is a multi-published short fiction author and winner of the prestigious Derringer Award for best short story for 2000, has just released her premier novel, Diamondback. She says: "I honestly believe that the most important tool at the disposal of a modern writer is the Internet. Resources for market information, research and moral support from other writers can all be found in abundance online."
Elizabeth Delisi, author of Fatal Fortune and Since All Is Passing and a finalist in the EPPIE 2000 Awards For Excellence In Electronic Publishing, says: "If you want to be a writer, the most important thing to remember is, never give up. It's a lonely profession, writing stories in isolation, never sure if they're 'good enough,' then sending them out with bright hopes, only to have them rejected. But you have to keep getting right back in the saddle. The only way you can fail to become a writer is if you stop trying!"
Relda Halbert, author of Romantic Suspense novels Destiny is a Dark Lady, Lake Desire, Ransomed Hearts, River of Love, Shadow of a Doubt, and TiareTahiti says: "Writing 'Romance' is basically Creative Conflict Resolution. Skills developed in putting plot to paper, can easily be transferred to that 'real life' special person! So don't stop writing, no matter what. And stop classifying those occasional 'spats' with your significant other as 'problems' .. they're only opportunities for Romance!"
Barbara Hodges, author of The Blue Flame says: "Writing has more emotional ups and downs then a yo-yo fanatic aiming to break the world record. One day the muse inside is a blazing inferno, the next you can't get an ember to stir. So what do you do? The best advice I've ever heard came from Stephen King when he was asked how he did it. Paraphrased, he said he used bum glue. Glue your bum to a chair and just do it."
Tim Herrera has had his first novel I'm Their Dad! Not Their Babysitter! published by iUniverse. Ask for it at bookstores locally or on the net. Tim wrote: "After years of struggling to get a book published, I have finally succeeded...I am hoping you can make a mention of this on your website to encourage other writers."
Robert Iles, author of Dead Wrong and The Burning Woman quotes George V. Higgins,"Writing is a tough business. Nobody asked you to do it. No one will care if you quit." Iles says: "I like that because it sets straight the fact that you write because you want to or can't keep from it, not for the reasons outside yourself, such as money and recognition. Sure, those make nice added incentives, but if you aren't writing because it's what you like/want/must do, you've chosen one of the hardest professions in the world to try to earn a buck or recognition. And when you write to please yourself, I'll bet you do your best work."
Jay R. Kohut, author of Dance of the Double Axe, says, "Don't discount the many experiences of your life. Any episode, even the most negative, may provide the fertile soil from which future stories can grow."
Celia Ann Leaman, author of Mary's Child and Unraveled says: "It takes two to write a book; the person with the ideas, the talent, and the person who believes in them. If you have no earthly person who can give you that support, then look to the heavens. Ask, and it will be given to you."
Tricia McGill, author of Blue Haze and White Clover has this advice: "You must be dedicated and single minded to succeed with your writing; must have that inner fire and determination to see your work published, be involved heart and soul. Never let negative reactions deter you and let rejections be your spur to improve your writing skills."
Jan Springer has published over thirty erotic romances, check out her books at Ellora's Cave. She says: "When I was starting out I read (and still do) what published authors had to say about writing. I don't know if this is corny but this is what a friend told me once. She said it with such feeling, I had to listen. She said: "If writing is your dream, never let anyone take it away from you. You must always follow your dreams."

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